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How durable are your shoes?Updated 7 months ago

Our shoes are designed to withstand everyday wear and tear, and we conduct testing to ensure that durability is of the highest industry standards.  While we strive to create products that stand the test of time and provide reliable performance, the exact durability is dependent on individual experiences which may vary depending on a few factors:

  • Environmental conditions
  • Care & maintenance
  • Individual user wear (i.e. a shoe that is being worn every day for 20+ hours a day vs. a shoe being worn to run an hour a day vs. a shoe that is being worn to hike a challenging trail)
  • Individual user walking patterns (i.e. if your gait tends to apply more pressure to a specific point on the sole rather than equally distributed across the entire shoe, the high pressure point may wear down that part of the sole quicker than the rest)

Proper care and storage will also contribute to prolonging the life of your shoes!

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